Partner project w/ R. Michie Nimsombun. On display at Taubman Collage in Ann Arbor, MI

This is an intervention for digital hoarding.

The narrative begins with the characterization of Las Vegas as the site of quintessential and unimaginable excess and normalization of an uncanny digital trust. Society’s understanding of cultural artifacts and events has shifted from physical encounters, to digital experiences that take place mindlessly on a screen. Sentimental objects no longer take up space in attics, garages, and basements, but are sent upwards and outwards into “the cloud”.

The Digital Pawnshop becomes a stage for physical and digital exchange, in which prized possessions are sold for likes on facebook or converted into bitcoin. In the economy of trans-digital pawning, we can recognize data in the cloud to be as guilty as the items we hoard in our attics, garages, and basements.